Very cool! Love the focus too. I’ve been telling myself I’m going to Take Chess Seriously again, if I find the time I’ll join for sure.

I’m curious if there was any discussion of including simpler puzzles in some way, like a puzzle rush/storm/survival. Anecdotally they helped me a lot, more so than doing puzzles at the limits of my calculation. I play tennis and it sometimes feels like focusing on tough puzzles is the equivalent of practicing your down-the-line passing shot, which you should definitely practice and feel great to hit, but 90% of points are going to be decided by unforced errors, and most players would be better served by practicing easy baseline shots until they never miss.

Maybe a stretched analogy. Anyways, just curious what your thoughts are on easier puzzles in general, and then if that was a point of discussion at all for the gym.

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The idea is not necessarily difficult calculation per se, but practicing making realistic in-game decisions. So that includes calculation, strategic thinking, etc. This kind of exercise is harder to find elsewhere.

But I agree that drilling simple puzzles can also be helpful. Some ideas we're considering to address that...

-Adding a third level of daily positions, easier than the two we currently have.

-Recommended training plans for those who have time to go beyond the core daily activities. This could include outside resources like puzzles on Lichess, Chess.com, etc.

-Courses (Circle actually makes it really easy to create these inside the platform). So there could be one that takes you through basic tactical patterns, for example.

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What will be the minimum rating recommended for joining? The core activities, as described, will work well for intermediate and advanced players. Low-rating players may not be able to find a suitable partner for the weekly game or may not be able to contribute much in their analysis to the daily position. Asking for a friend (of course!).

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There is no minimum rating! In fact, one of our big goals was to be accessible to everyone, and not create a hierarchy based on rating. Practice games have been firing off frequently with players of all levels. We are looking at adding an easier level of daily position as well.

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Well, I joined. I'm willing to try it and see how it goes. I didn't quite get yesterday's position, but I think that my thoughts were not far off. I'm happy with that level of discomfort, I think I'll learn by attempting those positions and reading how others think about them.

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