Thanks for pulling back the curtain on the business side of all of this. What makes your content unique, to me, is its no-nonsense rejection of dogma and “conventional wisdom.” Keep it up!
I like very much your Chessable, 100 Repertoires: Reti (1. Nf3), even if I have not yet tried in games cause I've not learned enough lines so I don't yet feel comfortable with it. Please, keep us updated about you Chess Gym project with Martin: it sounds very interesting. BTW: for what is worth, personally I am interested not only in articles strictly related to chess improvement techniques (even if IMHO your previous are all pieces of gold) but also in ones related to other aspects of the game (social, cultural, psychological, scientific, etc).
Congrats on baby #2! (and the awesome blog but that's old news.)
Thanks Ben!
Thanks for pulling back the curtain on the business side of all of this. What makes your content unique, to me, is its no-nonsense rejection of dogma and “conventional wisdom.” Keep it up!
Congratulations on 5000 subscribers! I'm excited to see what the Chess Gym looks like.
I like very much your Chessable, 100 Repertoires: Reti (1. Nf3), even if I have not yet tried in games cause I've not learned enough lines so I don't yet feel comfortable with it. Please, keep us updated about you Chess Gym project with Martin: it sounds very interesting. BTW: for what is worth, personally I am interested not only in articles strictly related to chess improvement techniques (even if IMHO your previous are all pieces of gold) but also in ones related to other aspects of the game (social, cultural, psychological, scientific, etc).