Hi Nate, I really love your blogs and your book Evaluate Like a Grandmaster, so I think this course will be really interesting for me. Is the course in a PDF version or video only? I will buy it if there is, but I'm sick of the hyper-repetition of moves in Chessable.
Hi Nate, congrats on your Chessable course. I play the Reti myself. As Follow-up to 1. Nf3, d5 I play c4. Against other replies like 1.... c5, Nf6, Nc6, e6 I vary my responses and this leads to many transpositions. With your approach, the number of transpositions goes down, I guess? Also, After the fianchetto and c4, you Will have a rather closed position, right? I am interested in your course, look forward to your reply. Thank you, Lode
Hi Nate, I really love your blogs and your book Evaluate Like a Grandmaster, so I think this course will be really interesting for me. Is the course in a PDF version or video only? I will buy it if there is, but I'm sick of the hyper-repetition of moves in Chessable.
Hi Nate, congrats on your Chessable course. I play the Reti myself. As Follow-up to 1. Nf3, d5 I play c4. Against other replies like 1.... c5, Nf6, Nc6, e6 I vary my responses and this leads to many transpositions. With your approach, the number of transpositions goes down, I guess? Also, After the fianchetto and c4, you Will have a rather closed position, right? I am interested in your course, look forward to your reply. Thank you, Lode
I’m all for learning new ideas for openings that might throw my opponents off. Will check it out