Very interesting points here and I think this is a great format for answering subscribers’ questions. In regards to the question about rapid I tend to agree with your point that Improvement = Time * Focus, this would also imply (if true) that rapid is obviously a better time format for improvement in comparison to blitz, which I would also agree with. On a side note, I also think for anyone that is looking to improve at any level, rapid with a time increment could prove to be a lot more helpful than a non-increment rapid time control.

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Hmm, why does it imply that rapid is better for improvement than blitz? It certainly would be *per game* but not necessarily *per time unit*. I think the downside of blitz is it's easier to become distracted, but it is also possible to play focused blitz.

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If I use the equation directly it would imply a longer time format would increase improvement even if focus remained constant. Ofcourse there is some gray area here, but looking at the equation you gave mathematically speaking this is the implication.

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I find in OTB you focus much more than online. Online chess leads to lousy play.

Thanks for the article.

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