Thanks. Interesting article, as always

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I wrote a similar article on my blog see http://schaken-brabo.blogspot.com/2021/11/mortal-kombat-fatality.html

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This is a good life lesson, too – if you are inevitably heading down the wrong path (being social media addiction, poor focusing capabilities, etc.) you need to take action to correct yourself. Great article!

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Very interesting idea to sac the exchange Rxa4 in the first example, but could you explain why black has compensation? It seems that after this sequence white can grab the knight on e5 and trade off queens, therefore being up the exchange approaching the end game.

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Nxe5 Ne4! (zwischenzug!) and White has some big problems with the rook on the long diagonal and the king stuck in the center. Try playing it against the computer, I think you'll find it's quite tough to defend.

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Thank you for your response I will give it another look!

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