Getting into chess I thought that people wouldn't respect me unless I could beat them. And maybe in terms of chess only that's true. But value as a community member in chess is more than that. Sometimes it's insight into a game that's valuable. Sometimes it's a friendly face.
As competitors often we place our self worth only on tournament results and while understandable, it's not the whole truth of the matter. Even if you never won another game of chess, you'd still have support.
That isn't to say that you shouldn't try your best. And I of all people know you can't turn off all the thoughts that come at you when you're trying to sleep. However if one of those 5 lines shows up on the board I'd be surprised.
"IM John Bartholomew revealed that before every tournament he fears he will lose all his games."
I just finished a 9 round OTB-tournament in France and I was struggling whole tournament with serious anxiety. At the start I thought that I could lose 180 ratingpoints. After winning the first round I thought I could still lose 160 ratingpoints. After winning the second round I could still lose 140 ratingpoints. ...
At several points in the tournament I really thought why I am playing this tournament. This is no fun. I am 47 years old, rated 2308 fide and have played tons of tournaments but somehow I can't get calm till the tournament is finished.
I considered several times quitting chess because of it. However when I don't play for a longtime then I always start to get typical withdrawal symptoms. I start to become restless and crancky. Nothing can give me the same dope as otb chess.
So I am definitely not the right person to ask advice on this matter. I do sympathize as I know how painful it can be to play otb-chess. I hope you find a cure for this terrible anxiety as nothing seems so work for me.
Remember why you're playing = create interesting games
Make peace with your preparation = I know that I can't do more than what I am already doing.
Develop skills for calm = no alcohol, blocking all non related chess activities, no blogging...
A friend told me the best thing ever what happened to him for his tournament anxiety was to actually lose a lot of rating. He dropped from close to 2300 to below 2000. This is not abnormal for being + 70 years old. He is now enjoying chess 100 times more than in his peakdays. Unfortunately I don't think losing rating can be a serious advice.
Getting into chess I thought that people wouldn't respect me unless I could beat them. And maybe in terms of chess only that's true. But value as a community member in chess is more than that. Sometimes it's insight into a game that's valuable. Sometimes it's a friendly face.
As competitors often we place our self worth only on tournament results and while understandable, it's not the whole truth of the matter. Even if you never won another game of chess, you'd still have support.
That isn't to say that you shouldn't try your best. And I of all people know you can't turn off all the thoughts that come at you when you're trying to sleep. However if one of those 5 lines shows up on the board I'd be surprised.
You are definitely right that those lines probably won't happen, but it's hard to turn off the anxiety!
Wish you luck Nate!
Thanks Nick!
Great post. Relevant to performance anxiety in any field.
"IM John Bartholomew revealed that before every tournament he fears he will lose all his games."
I just finished a 9 round OTB-tournament in France and I was struggling whole tournament with serious anxiety. At the start I thought that I could lose 180 ratingpoints. After winning the first round I thought I could still lose 160 ratingpoints. After winning the second round I could still lose 140 ratingpoints. ...
At several points in the tournament I really thought why I am playing this tournament. This is no fun. I am 47 years old, rated 2308 fide and have played tons of tournaments but somehow I can't get calm till the tournament is finished.
I considered several times quitting chess because of it. However when I don't play for a longtime then I always start to get typical withdrawal symptoms. I start to become restless and crancky. Nothing can give me the same dope as otb chess.
So I am definitely not the right person to ask advice on this matter. I do sympathize as I know how painful it can be to play otb-chess. I hope you find a cure for this terrible anxiety as nothing seems so work for me.
Try some of the strategies in this post and see how it goes
I already tried them out.
Name my fear = losing rating
Remember why you're playing = create interesting games
Make peace with your preparation = I know that I can't do more than what I am already doing.
Develop skills for calm = no alcohol, blocking all non related chess activities, no blogging...
A friend told me the best thing ever what happened to him for his tournament anxiety was to actually lose a lot of rating. He dropped from close to 2300 to below 2000. This is not abnormal for being + 70 years old. He is now enjoying chess 100 times more than in his peakdays. Unfortunately I don't think losing rating can be a serious advice.
Split from toxic people I found great.
Wish you good moves FM :)