Great post! Because of limited study time, my plan tends toward being heavy on OTB play and analysis (no engine), which seem to be the most fruitful activities for me. Second priority is puzzles (a combo of hard calculation and "easy" pattern recognition reinforcement). If I have time, I get to "everything else." The key to my plan is consistency--daily work, minimum 30 minutes, no matter what (I do more some days if I'm "in the zone." But really the consistency seems to be more important than the total time spent. FWIW, this method has garnered me a +135 boost to my peak USCF rating in two years (after age 50), so I intend to stay with it as long as it keeps working.

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Another great post. I have embraced the idea that I need to focus more on the skill than knowledge as an adult improver so that means playing/analyzing my own games and solving are mainstays of my training. But I also am always trying to attack the weaknesses that I find in my games. Of late, I have been focused on middlegame planning for example. Putting it all together, I am doing what Studer recommends more or less but the last 1/3 is focused on addressing weaknesses, which I do think makes sense if it’s persistently impacting your results.

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I really like a lot of your posts because you have a fresh and original way to look at chess related topics. Keeps me interested.

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Me partece que este sistema ya o vi en "OTRAS" web!!!! jajajajja

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