For those who have the emotional fortitude there is the Lichess option to hide all ratings and focus upon your game

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My initial reaction to "process goals" is that it's very easy to pretend like you are working without actually working. It's easy to say "I will work on 5 tactics problems everyday" and then just put minimal effort into each.

Performance goals provide an objective test in a sense - e.g. if you were failing those 5 problems (assuming they are matched to your tactics rating), that's a good indication you are not trying hard enough.

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This is a great quote - saved to my notes! 📝 "You can’t get rid of emotion – it’s closely tied up in everything you think and do – but if you could, that would be a very bad thing, because emotion is also very important for decision making."

I'm just a beginner player who plays purely for fun, but I really enjoy your posts as they address important topics like learning, decision-making, and perceptions of 'ratings,' influencing how we and others see us. Please keep them like this! The rating case has so many other uses for any situation where we are judged, graded, or compared to others.

I wrote a piece titled "On Scary Chess" where I shared my experience of caring too much, not just about my rating, but even about starting to play against other people. 🙈 If you want, you can read it here: https://poczwardowski.substack.com/p/on-scary-chess

Thank You!

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In the Armenian learning platform I am member of it, the founder GM Avetik Grigoryan always says: don't focus on your rating, focus on your growth and the rating, sooner or later will follow you.

Now that the end of 2023 is near, based on my own experience, I think it's important for the near future a more wise tournament management. So I want to grow to challenge stronger players, avoid this gtournaments where all are in a single group and play only tournaments where at least there are two groups. Then try to play in Group A even if I am between the last seededs and only in case that the A group rating average is so high that I consider I can not give a fight, then group B.

Right now I am playing the Sunway Sitges Open group B because the A group is studded with titled players. Even GM Lenier Dominguez join few days ago because he is trailing Wesley So for only a couple of rating points to qualify for the upcoming Candidates by the higher rating spot.

But in local tournaments played in Barceloa along the year I will play in group A. Last experience I was 2nd to last seeded and I score 1.5/5 games wwhich is just a 30% but I study to improve and next year give more fight.

Another thing I like to play important tournaments like Sunway is that they are very serious about anti-cheating messures and when you enter the hall, you handle your mobile to an assistant who gives you the number sticked in your device and when you finish your game, you go to reception of the venue, give the employee your copied number and he/she fetch and give your device back.

All this I say because this autumn I was cheated in a local tournament to a 1500 and 71 y.o. player and when I reported and ask the game to be nullified they didn't answer me and the guy continue playing with my 10 rating points, so I expected to finish autumn with a rating gain of +20 and for the fault of this guy I ended with a global -1. Very unfair for all the study and preparation I carried on expecting the autumn season.

So for me, a tournament that follows the FIDE Laws of Chess about anti-cheating messures is prestigious and the event that doesn't care and only they say ridiculously that "all mobiles should be turned off" is like inviting to cheat outside the playing hall. Mobiles turn off in the playing hall and obviously the cheater will go out the playing hall, toilettes or elsewhere and connect his mobile. The rest you can imagine. Is very sad because cheating is actually an important issue not only in online events but OTB too. :(

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