I've been using Notion for 5 years and it keeps getting better. I use it for all areas of my life and it has great features that will help with your new habits as well as chess improvement.

It has repeatable tasks that are good for habit tracking and charts that are easy to set up to track your ratings etc.

I use the PARA system to organize all my areas (Projects, Areas, Resources and Archive). Each Area (Home, Work, CHESS!) will have many Projects (Complete Nate's Next Level Journey, Get to 1400 Rapid) and many resources (Nate's online course, Books, Videos, Apps).

The projects will have tasks and sub tasks with links to Resources (notes). Each Project, Area, Task, Note, Resource is simply a Notion page but using templates to add functionality (dates/status/action for tasks, database for organizing (and the aforementioned charts), etc.

The power comes from linking the various parts together which is as simple as typing '@' to link to an existing resource.

I highly recommend it.

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Impressive list of accomplishments for 2024, and an ambitious schedule for 2025. I would suggest forgetting about how many weightlifting exercises you can perform, and instead focus on how much muscle you can build in a 12 month program.

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Congrats on your busy 2024 from a fellow father-of-a-Beatrix!

Two questions about your 6-week Semi-Slav course:

1. Do you know what the day/time will be? Or is it based on the cohort doing some kind of Doodle-type selection?

2. I am rated 1000 USCF and my repertoire is KID vs anything-but-e4 (I play a hyperaccel Dragon Sicilian). I've been playing this universal KID for 2 years and am not sure it still suits me. Do you have a sales pitch for learning a universal Semi-Slav rep at my rating level? (Note also that I formerly played the Caro-Kann and enjoyed leaving it behind for 1... c5)

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